Saturday, February 21, 2015

Mind Blown

This week has been by far my favorite even though I feel like this every week. The theme of this week was, The Nature and Character of God. We had a speaker come in from Perth and let me tell you, he was full of knowledge.

I thought I knew a lot about who God is. Well let me tell you, I am definitely like the Israelites who saw God do miraculous things over and over again yet still doubted Him. I mean come on he sent plagues, parted the Red Sea, made water come out of a rock and so much more. Yet, when things got tough they doubted the existence and character of God. Instead, wanted to turn back to their idols.

I realized that this has been a lot like my life. Time and time again I have seen His glorious ways yet I fall back into living for myself and what I think is best in the season. I have known God with my mind but struggled to know God with my heart. Why?

Well, because I have not always understood or taken the time to understand. Yes I go to church and attend life groups which I now realize have helped me grow tremendously but I haven't spent enough time on my own. There is so much I could go into about this week but it all comes down to who God says He is in Exodus 5:6-7, "And he passed in front of Moses, proclaiming, “The Lord, the Lord, the compassionateand gracious God, slow to anger, abounding in love and faithfulness, maintaining love to thousands, and forgiving wickedness, rebellion and sin."

We tend to complicate who God is and what our purpose in life is. God is good, the end. Yes we face overwhelming circumstances but this does not mean that God changes. One of the things that stood out to me this week was this picture...

We tend to wear glasses in life. The glasses represent our circumstances and depending on those at the time, determines how we view God. So if things are great then God is a good God. When things are bad, then God isn't good because why would He let this happen. Now how about we look at this another way. Let's make our glasses represent God and now look at our circumstances. Wow, I got a raise at my job, thank you God. On the other hand, something awful occurs and we seek God for guidance and lean on Him because we know that even though circumstances have changed, He hasn't and never will!

This is just the surface of what I went over this week. I am more motivated than ever to dig into the word and see who God is. It's easy for us to be fed the word but how about we actually take the time to see for ourself. I am in awe of God's goodness time and time again.

I hope that this encourages you to build a stronger relationship with God. This world is ugly and after this week, I have a much more understanding of why. I am not going to go into it but I encourage you to look into God's patience and mercy, this will answer a lot of questions.

For the next two weeks I will be camping with my school in the mountains, about two hours away. So, I will have no wifi or access to electronics. Take care and I can't wait to share all that I have learned when I get back.

Miss you all <3

Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Week by Week

I feel like time is flying by, yet crawling. I have taken in a lot much information these past 3 weeks with last week's topic of clear conscious. I can say that I am really missing home. The longest that I have ever been gone for is about 2 weeks and now I am headed into week 4. I miss spending time with my family and friends, hugging Christopher, being involved in life groups, seeing youth every Wednesday, cleaning teeth, going to the gym (kind of miss this lol), my cats, and so much more. Sometimes I would like to go home but then I smack myself back into reality.

As every week passes by, I am reminded why I am here. I am taking a step out of my comfort zone and into the unfamiliar. Last week we went over clear conscience and we were called to step out and be vulnerable. So many things tend to bottle up inside of us and if never brought into the light, will stay trapped, hindering us from experiencing freedom. I was able to share some very intimate parts of my life with over 50 people who care about me and want to be apart of my family. It was such a beautiful week!

I am being stretched beyond what I could have ever imagined but I know that what I am learning is going to be foundational to the rest of my life. I look forward to heading off to PNG and reaching people not only in their healthcare needs but also spiritual. I have seen the hurt that has resonated within us as a team and I could only imagine the pain that others experience when not knowing the freedom of Jesus. 

Please continue to pray for my team and I as we are physically, emotional, mentally, and spiritually stretched. 

Here are some fun things that took place last week...

A possum decided to join some of my classmates for homework. Fun fact: our "possums" in the states are actually called opossums and are no where near this cute. 

Some of my closest friends at our Valentine's Brunch. The guys in our group surprised all of us with a lovely breakfast where they served us, it was a treat!

Hiked up Castle Hill where I had some quiet time with Jesus. Even though the hike was intense, it was well worth it. 

During the week we are assigned a work duty and mine is working with youth (writing grants and being a leader at youth group) and cleaning bathrooms :) Why not have fun while doing it?

I hope all is well back home!


Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Settling In


Sorry it has been a while since I have blogged. It has definitely been busy over here. We have completed two weeks of lectures, one on Hearing God's voice and on Identity. The weather here is extremely hot and humid. I am pretty sure that I have lost some water weight!

In the first week, it was really great putting aside any distractions from life and listening to what God is saying. It is difficult to explain but I really valued this teaching. I know that I want to live every aspect of my life directed by God and since there are so many possibilities, it can be hard to know which direction to go.

Last week, we went through Identity week. This week was very powerful. We learned who our Identity is in Christ and how we are all beautifully, and uniquely handcrafted. A powerful time this week was that we made two lists, one with lies that we've been told throughout our life and one with truths that corresponds with these. With out truth list, we proclaimed them in a group of about 10 people. And when I say proclaim, I mean it. If you didn't sound like you meant it, you would not be able to move onto the next!

Through these last two weeks, our schools have become very close, we are like a family here. There are people from all over the world and it's awesome to be able to compare how we say particular words and such. I hope I come back with some type of accent lol. I never knew that Canadians get offended when mistaken for an American same with Australians and New Zealanders (they call them Kiwis). I love the environment here, definitely called out of my comfort zone in a safe place.

Here is a short story that I to wrote for an assignment about one of my experiences here:

Can you hear me God?

As I stand in worship, it hits me, “Am I really here? Did I leave everything that I know to be comfortable for the unknown?” “I sure am!” I am in Australia to be radically transformed. As I pray, it sounds something like this, “God, show me what you want of me. I want to be bold and courageous. I am tired of living a mundane life. Please God, speak to me.” As I wait, I get an image of someone in a sunflower shirt. I open my eyes, and right past me walks the exact image. “Okay God, what does this mean?” I get this sense to pray for her, with her! I was thinking, “I do not know her. That would be weird. What do I even say.” I got this peace that it was going to be okay. I wrestled with God at this time. I came to the conclusion, “maybe next time God.”

Well, God has a sense of humor. As I am worshipping, I get a tap on my shoulder. I open my eyes to a sunflower. What do you know? She has come to pray for me. At this time, I have a grin and while she is praying, I am thinking, “Oh God. I see what you did here.” God knows my heart, my capability and is partnering along side of me. When I am weak, He is made strong. I finished the night praying with her and taking one step forward in having my life transformed. 

Miss you all very much!!

Here are a few pics of things I have been doing:

Hiked up Castle Hill. Awesome view up top. It's pretty intense of a work out.

I am working with the youth here. During the week, I have been learning how to write grants. On the weekend, I volunteer with Youth Street where the kids come to have a good time and hear about Jesus. We did some dart art that was awesome, and much harder than it looks!

I got to hang out with some Kangaroos. Some even had joeys! 

Watched the Super Bowl much later than everyone else and without the commercials since they do not air them in Australia. BOO!

One of my closest friends here! Here name is Bithja (Bit-e-ya). She is from Germany and she is awesome. This night we went to a local church called Calvary Christian Church.

At the beach. You have to swim in an enclosed area because it is jelly fish season. The jelly fish are deadly. So there are nets. 

The people that I will be doing life with until June! They are an amazing group!!